
How Early Math Skills Impact READING

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In recent weeks, we have been talking about the importance of intervening early for our students in the area of math. The sooner we are able to support students with their individual needs, the more likely they are to close the gaps between their level of understanding and their peers. But did you know that early math skills are also a predictor of later reading ability?

Why 3rd Grade Reading Matters

According to an article by Donald J. Hernandez of the Annie E. Casey Foundation,

One in six children who are not reading proficiently in third grade do not graduate from high school on time, a rate four times greater than that for proficient readers.

By Donald J. Hernandez
Professor, Department of Sociology
Hunter College and the Graduate Center,
City University of New York and
Senior Advisor, Foundation for Child Development

Given the critical nature of reading proficiency, it is natural that school resources (and time is a resource!) often go towards promoting literacy. But focusing the majority of resources on literacy is short-sighted! According to an article titled “Math In The Early Years” released by the Educational Commission of the States, early math skills are a predictor of future reading and oral language skills!

Additional Resources

If you are interested in reading more about the connection between early math and reading skills, I encourage you to explore these additional resources!

“Have you ever heard somebody say “I was never good at math” or “I’m not a numbers person”? Some people think of themselves as either a numbers person or more language oriented.  But they probably would never think that knowing basic math skills actually helps them in reading and language arts.”

How Do Early Math Skills Impact Learning to Read?

“Most surprising is that it also predicts later reading achievement even better than early reading skills.”

Math in the early years

“Math and reading are highly linked: National policies/practices should increase focus on math and develop efforts that promote both together”

Mathematics and Reading Develop Together in Young Children: Practical and Policy Considerations
David J. Purpura*Ellen C. Litkowski*Valerie Knopik

Ready To Improve Your Math Strategy?

I will be holding a free workshop entitled “Math Differentiation Simplified” that will start you off on the right track! Sign-up for that workshop is now open!

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