Free Number Sense Boosters

Could your students’ number sense use a boost? These quick and simple activities improve number sense while engaging your students.

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The Stress-Free Path To Math Fact Automaticity

If you have a goal around increasing math fact automaticity in your students this year you are in the right place. We’re going to untangle who should be working towards automaticity in the year ahead along with what steps to take to get there in a stress-free way. My 4-year-old

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Math Intervention Planning Blog Header

Math Intervention Planning: Dos and Don’ts

Math intervention planning is a delicate balance between providing your students the time and space they need to understand while also moving with a sense of speed and purpose because you are aiming to close gaps. These tips will help you to accomplish that balance in your math intervention planning.

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Math Intervention Assessment: Dos and Don’ts

Math intervention assessment is not the same as assessing tier 1 math instruction. Following these few simple tips will help you to determine who needs to receive math intervention and where you will start with instruction. Do Use Multiple Data Points… Don’t Expect To Get It All From One Screener

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Creating Systematic Math Intervention Lessons That Work

When you are working with students in a math intervention setting we know that we need to focus on systematic math intervention instruction meaning that we, as the teacher, are working towards a clearly defined end goal and have broken instruction down into clear and manageable steps that build toward

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Your End of the Year Math Intervention Plan

In the classroom setting the school year winds down with picnics, field days and special events. The end of the year math intervention scenario looks quite different! A typical class gets to come to closure on their year together and the teacher has a clear idea of what will happen

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5 Outdoor Fraction Activities To Try This Spring

When spring comes around and your students are itching to get outdoors, these outdoor fraction activities can help to scratch the itch while still keeping a focus on your math instruction. Create a Human Number Line Going outside gives you the opportunity to go life-sized with your fraction instruction! Create

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End Of The Year Fact Fluency Practice Strategy

Towards the end of the year, I always had that feeling that time was “running out” and there were always a few topics I wanted to have in place for my students before sending them onto the next grade level. Fact Fluency practice was always at the top of the list!

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