7 Blog Posts to Improve Your Fact Fluency Program

Whether you are hoping to increase your students’ addition and subtraction fact fluency or whether you are working with upper grade level students developing their multiplication and division fact fluency, the teaching strategies remain the same! Delve into this collection of fact fluency resources to help your students work smarter, not harder, when boosting their fact fluency!

How to Untangle Fact Fluency To Boost Your Students Learning

You walk into a staff meeting and your admins impress upon you the importance of all of your students meeting fact fluency standards by the end of the year. Gulp. Looking around the room you see teachers wincing — you’ve all received a lot of instruction on what NOT to do. Don’t use timed tests,

Fluency Hack: Prioritizing Missing Numbers In Equations

If you are looking to increase your students’ fact fluency, prioritizing the skill of missing numbers in equations is one of the keys to unlocking that skill in your student. If your students have struggled with this skill in the past, you’re not alone! Solving for missing numbers in equations can be a difficult skill

5 Fact Fluency Activities That Don’t Feel Like Work

Recognize Fact Relationships This first activity isn’t necessarily for your students- it’s for the teacher! Stop trying to teach so many math facts. If you consider every fact from 0+0 to 10+10 and all of the related subtraction facts you will need to instruct (and your students will need to remember) over 200 individual math

Why a Math Fact Party Won’t Build Stronger Math Students

The math fact party, it’s a fun and common practice! You want your students to know their math facts from memory so you set up a game of sorts. You help your students keep track of their progress as they master their +1, +2, +3, etc. facts. When the class has mastered their +9 facts

End Of The Year Fact Fluency Practice Strategy

Towards the end of the year, I always had that feeling that time was “running out” and there were always a few topics I wanted to have in place for my students before sending them onto the next grade level. Fact Fluency practice was always at the top of the list! But, before you panic and

The Stress-Free Path To Math Fact Automaticity

If you have a goal around increasing math fact automaticity in your students this year you are in the right place. We’re going to untangle who should be working towards automaticity in the year ahead along with what steps to take to get there in a stress-free way. My 4-year-old loves to play Candy Land.

Organizing Your Fact Fluency Materials

When it comes to fact fluency it can be easy both to over-simplify *and* to over complicate. Having a clear plan with fact fluency materials at the ready can simplify the task of assessing, instructing and practicing math facts. What Fact Fluency Materials Should You Have On Hand? You will need to develop a system

Related Fact Fluency Resources

Addition and Subtraction Fact Fluency Math Games | No Prep Dice Domino Spinner

Multiplication Patterns | 3rd Grade Math Intervention Unit

Back to School Color By Number | Addition and Subtraction within 20

Fall Color By Number Worksheets | Addition and Subtraction within 20

Fact Families Worksheets for Addition and Subtraction | Related Facts

Multiplication and Division Related Facts Worksheets | Fact Family Worksheets

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