5 Simple & Effective Games to Practice the Partners of Ten

Knowing the partners of ten opens up the world of fact fluency and flexibility for your students. The best part? There’s no need to drill these facts! Your students can play engaging, hands-on, SIMPLE games to reinforce the partners of ten.


The 5 games listed below will help your students to learn the partners of ten but will also help your students to boost their number sense. An absolute win-win combination! 


Recording forms for each of the activities below have been included in the
Print & Digital Partners of 10 Math Intervention.

This solo activity allows your students to use a ten frame as a visual anchor for the partners of ten. The activity could not be more simple. Roll a dice, lay out that number of counters on the ten frame. How many spaces are filled? How many spaces are still empty on the ten frame? 


Extend the activity by asking students to fill in a number bond to represent the combination of ten they have found and by writing an equation that matches their ten frame and number bond

In this activity your students will need ten 2-sided counters and a cup. Their job? To shake and spill the counters noticing how many are red and how many are yellow. Ask your students to record the combination of ten on a number bond (represenative model) and as an equation (abstract model). 


Asking your students to use a number bond and equation to represent their findings helps your students to bridge the gap between this hands-on activity and fact fluency later down the line. 

As simple as it sounds, ask your students to spin a spinner and find the number that goes together with their number to make ten. 


In this activity your students don’t have any hands-on tools at their disposal but you can still give them a method to find the partners of ten- their fingers! Show your students how they have 10 fingers and they can notice how many are up and down to find the partners of ten. 

In this partner game your students need a cup and a set of ten objects. One partner will hide some of the objects beneath the cup. The next partner will have to use their knowledge of the partners of ten to determine how many items are hiding beneath the cup! 


You can carry out this activity without the use of a hands-on tool or you can introduce a tool such as a rekenrek or beads on a string to make this activity more concrete for your students. 


This open-ended activity is a must-do in your classroom. The premise is that your students are looking at a pet shop and noticing that there are some dogs and some cats in the ten windows. 


How many windows could be filled with dogs? How many windows could be filled with cats? Your students will have to problem solve as they work through this open-ended task that requires them to generate partners of ten. 

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