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Free Number Sense Boosters
Could your students’ number sense use a boost? These quick and simple activities improve number sense while engaging your students.

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Why Are There So Many Different Strategies for Addition?
If you are on Facebook, surely, you have seen rants about how Common Core Math is the WORST. Seemingly elaborate diagrams are drawn to add simple numbers such as 19 + 6. Students are drawing number bonds to break apart the 6 into a 1 and a 5, are circling

4 Halloween Math Activities to Spice Up The Season!
The fall can be such a fun time in the classroom. Your students are excited about the changing season, the upcoming holiday, and all of the fun fall festivities they are experiencing outside of the classroom. Instead of trying to fight the excitement around Halloween, check out these fun Halloween
5 And Above, Give It A Shove… No Really….
“5 and above, give it a shove. 4 and below, let it go” “5 or more, raise the score, 4 or less, let it rest” … No, really, let this rhyme rest already. I propose that we let these poems go. While they might seem like a great trick
8 Simple Activities for Effective Place Value Differentiation
I originally published this blog post in 2014. Back then, the title was “Why 2nd Grade LOVES Base Ten Blocks”. I still think that base ten blocks are an amazing tool for 2nd-grade students. But my thinking has changed. If I were to rewrite that title now it would sound